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Are we ready for the new normal?

Are we ready for the new normal?

Three months ago, a hotel without a buffet breakfast, minibar and coffee station was not something anyone would prefer.

Today, with the epidemic in the world, a period that can change everything from the guests’ check-in processes, eating habits at the hotel to how to clean their rooms can begin. Hotel experts believe that the outbreak will greatly change hotel accommodation in the coming months.

We had a hard time before

It is not even a day when we do not hear about the coronavirus and its negative impact on travel and accommodation businesses. However, the hotel industry previously had to deal with different crises and viruses. For example, the SARS virus greatly affected the industry in 2003. There was a 50% drop in hotel bookings, which caused an approximate 9.4 million drop in international tourist arrivals, and the losses were estimated to be between $ 30 billion and $ 50 billion. Despite the above-mentioned facts, the travel industry was able to achieve huge growth in 2006, with a worldwide contribution of $ 5.116 billion. Our country in 2015 on the economic crisis and the events in Russia in 2014 challenging due to air attack that took place between Turkey and Russia is a 2 year undergoing tourism sector started to recover in 2018, the number of 52 million tourists in the year 2019, with a record 35 billion dollars in revenues had grown.

Businesses are currently going through the most difficult times in their history globally. Still, «this will pass,» and hoteliers have to do everything they can to be confident during this time. Practicing sanitation and training for staff, creating a crisis communication plan will help minimize the chance of misinterpreting your business information in the media. And when it all comes together, it will definitely have a perfect reputation for your business.

Support staff at risk to their health to work daily. We also need to take steps to reduce long-term damage from the coronavirus and provide faster recovery.

Hygiene will replace luxury in the tourism sector

Hotels should turn kitchens into laboratories to provide complete hygiene during meal preparation processes. The main motto of such an investment is; It should be on your plate without touching. Our suggestion to help overcome the challenges of COVID-19 will be to meet our Hygiene products with turnstiles that require compulsory hygiene steps. We all know the importance of maximum hygiene and its impact on our lives. Tanriver hygiene barriers guarantee maximum personnel and facility hygiene in a wide variety of industries, especially at the entry and exit points of production, which are very important in food processing.

 Tanrıver hygiene equipment, HACCP, which means “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points” in Turkish; that is, it complies with the safety system requirements that determine the essential hygiene rules for healthy food production. It also supplies equipment compatible with ISO 22000 and BRC Food Safety Management System, which specifies the rules and precautions to be followed during the production, processing, preservation and distribution of food in our customers’ facilities.