Group Sagun Ar-Ge ve Kalite Müdürü Sayın Hakan Yavaş ile Röportajımız
Group Sagun Ar-Ge ve Kalite Müdürü Sayın Hakan Yavaş ile Sancaktepe’de bulunan merkezlerinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz röportajda; Fabrikalarında çalışan Personellerin Hijyenini TANRIVER SANİTASYON EKİPMANLARI ile nasıl sağladıklarına dair röportaj gerçekleştirdik. Verilen hizmetin kalitesine değinen Sayın Hakan YAVAŞ, memnuniyetini de dile getirdi. @group.sagun
In our effort to record a feedback from our customers worldwide, we made an interview with Mr. Hakan Yavaş , the Quality and R&D Manager of SAGUN Group at their factory in Istanbul,Turkey. SAGUN Group which was established in 1950 is one of the oldest fish processing factories in Turkey. In his interview ,Mr. Yavaş mentioned about the necessity & importance of using hygiene equipment in daily basis and their satisfaction of using TANRIVER equipment for the quality of product and after sales service via a simple phone call whenever is required. We are very honored and pleased to have their satisfaction and would like to show our gratitude by sharing his observation and feedback. @group.sagun
#tanrıver #hijyen #güvenilir #kalite #müşterimemnuniyeti #hygieneequipment
Tanrıver Hijyen ve Sanitasyon Ekipmanları.