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Boot Dryer Machine

We all know the importance of maximum hygiene and its impact on our lives. Tanriver hygiene equipment guarantees maximum personnel and facility hygiene in a wide variety of industries, especially at production entry and exit points.

Boot Dryer system designed to dry and disinfect the Industrial Boots or Shoes that are wore by the personnel while entering and leaving the work areas in the variety of Industries. As such boots/shoes might not be 100% waterproof, the water may penetrate in them and therefore may cause the feet of the staff to get wet or in other way due to the long working hours the boots/shoes are often contaminated with moisture and unpleasant odor due to sweaty feet. Depends on this situation, there will be increase percentage of flu especially during the winter season. In summer, it causes fungal and similar diseases as a result of sweating of the feet. Therefore, there are consequences such as a decrease performance rate of personnel and sometimes the unpredictable condition of having work with the missing workforce. It is critical to prevent these ailments and unwanted situations, and to keep Boots & Shoes dry and clean.

As Tanriver Hygiene Equipment, we provide Boots Dryers Machine to our customers to prevent possible diseases, unwanted odors in the workplace and support the protection and hygienic environment of the factory’s plant.